Multi-tonal Tresses

Whatever shade you're currently stepping out with this summer make sure your colour is on trend by adding depth . Us hairstylists can achieve this look by adding varying shades of the same colours, graduating from light to dark. Clever eh?
So here's the rules this summer/autumn for us blondies...
Darker Blondes: You lot should be asking for an array of lovely caramel tones, no more than 2 levels difference between the colours. Huge contrast is a no no if you want to be down with the cool kids this summer!
Light Blondes: Go for a lavender blonde (sounds scary but trust me it's very subtle!) or oatmeal and honey depending on your skin tone. Also beiges and strawberry pinks. Yum yum!

Ok, you know you lot are my fave. Even to the point I've tried to pass myself off as one of you beauties by weaving a few copper tones through this barnet of mine! So here are the rusty rules this season...
Darker Reds: Weaving 3 or 4 different shades of copper will look just swell, keeping the hair looking natural but with plenty of depth.
Strawberry Blonde: My my, aren't you fashionable lately! Well if you're lucky enough to be sporting this trendy tone, you don't need to do much! Maybe just enhance your locks by getting a few slightly different tones weaved through. Or opt for a clear natural gloss which will give your barnet a big shiny boost! Ooo la la!

Brunettes are faaaaaaaar from boring if you stick to the golden rules this summer/autumn...
Medium to light: You lovelies need to keep your tones rich and chocolaty or warm and chestnutty ( I realise that's not a word!), with dark honeys weaved in throughout.
Medium to dark: Right then, darker brunettes need to keep it cool and deep! Think dark cocoa browns with hints of heather and grape. You'll be looking all the more alluring and glam like this little Fox (who is far too attractive for her own good, and did she change her name to that just to be clever? Who knows?... I digress.).

Megan Fox
Dress To Impress...
Your hair that is. Wear what you like further south of your bonce I couldn't care less, I'm no Gok Wan (although sometimes we do look the same when I'm wearing similar spex).
But the way you dress your hair...I DO CARE!!
Still going strong is the dishevelled fat plait or the herringbone plait or the fishtail plait??!! Choose one you like and stick with it! I quite like 'Fat Plait', its got a ring to it!
Have a look at my earlier post: 'Go Mad For March Hair'
Which teaches you how to do a 'fat plait' in all its glory! Once you've braided you're hair massage the braid outwards, even pulling strands out to make it look dishevelled and there for super trendy!

Total Texture
This is so simple to do yourself at home, to create the 'unkempt, lived in look', do the following:
Plait the hair in large sections while it's still damp, then blast dry and undo. To give the hair that distressed look, use a matt paste on the mid length and ends. Simples!